Wednesday, July 15, 2009

photo session

heeey , just uploaded some of my picss, you can see more at my facebook!
thaaankss for the support quinshika,molly,nala,mishka,rico,michael,hannah you guys are the best !! i just cant believee it see my chat with mishkaa!

mishkaaa; taskakuu
taskaaarwar!; mishkaku
mishkaaa; tasss, 2morro r u gonna do d phto thin'?
taskaaarwar!; well, yeaaah i doo and pleasee see my blog after i upload it
mishkaaa; of coursee darliinggg we all support you and P.S can i have your gap vest coZ its ssoo cool
taskaaarwar!;NO WAAAAAAAYYSS
mishkaaa; alrght finee -,- buut can you help moi 2 choose my dress 2go w/ rico?
taskaaarwar!; of courseee
mishkaaa; ohh-kaay be at myy housee at 5 o'clock see you then, GTG duty calls byeee muaaah

i really lovee mishkaa coZ , shee alwaays been so supportivee

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