Saturday, July 25, 2009

chat seru lagi♥ ( bete lagey )

nindey ; heey
haninay♥ ; apa nind?
nindsz ; nind yang mana han?
mattbosyen ; ya nindey lah
nindsz ; yaudah, wo
syafstar ; mattdarleng
sya-syaw ; najis lo syaf
taskarawr! ; tau
mattbosyen ; apa syaf? sok mesra abis deh
syafstar ; apa deh matt?
taskarawr! ; bete gue
reyofsunshine ; sama tos tas! HAHA
nindey ; wkwk
syafstar ; wo apa lo tas?
taskarawr! ; manusia
syafstar ; alah, bocah aja lu
haninay♥ ; gue kelas 7 brarti bocah juga dong?
mattbosyen ; eh apa lo tas,han gituin pcr gue?
taskarawr! ; manusia,
haninay♥ ; perempuan

eh udahan deh semua nya, maless.. btw, gue kangen bgt sm 4A!! 5A kecil deh -.- gasekelas sama tasya,sania,wina :( huhu, miss you guyss

Friday, July 24, 2009

bosyeeen -,-

heeey teman teman MUAHAHAAHA, orgil gueee...
yaaolohh gue hari ini bosen banget gatahaan deeeh help anybody?
nah sekarang gue diajak chat seru sama syani,hanina,matt :'( , rey, nindy, sama anindia
diantara mereka cuma gue yang bete
haninay♥ ; hey hey semua apa kabar kelen?
sya-syaw; gue baik, lo sok MEDAN BANGET deeh han
haninay♥ ; bodo amat seeeh
nindsz ; eh kok gue di inv sih? ada rey lagi, males banget deh
taska ; ciee, gapapa kali saaay
nindey; HAHA tau tuh
mattsyafa ; heey thanks ya gue di inv
reyrayroy; eh nick lo matt, ada taska?
taska ; apaan sih lu rey
haninay♥ ; tau nih rey,
mattsyafa ; tau lu rey, besok gue hajar lu
taska ; ngapain lo ngajar reyhan? bukan masalah lo ini -.-
sya-syaw ; udah tass, sabar
mattsyafa ; kenapa sih tas? lo ngiri?
taska ; +o( apa lo bilang? ih ngapain juga
reyrayroy ; tau wo matt
mattsyafa; kenapa jadi gue sih?
nindsz ; emang kamu benar tass.. laki laki -.-
nindey ; yoa nind!
nindsz; yoa nind!
haninay♥ ; nind semua panggilan nya HAHA
mattsyafa ; woy , gue left ya mau nonton sama syafa bubye
reyrayroy; gue juga mesti hem.. ngerjain pr bye ciao!
matt&rey left deh
nindsz; eh udahan dulu ya semua bubyee
YA bukaan chat seru siih gue juga bete chatnya -,- huh

udahan dulu ya semua bubyee

Friday, July 17, 2009


hari ini gue ke lollipop sama kya sama haani,, gue sama haani berangkat bareeng, kyaa udah sampe di lollipop duluan karena dia berangkat lebih awaal,,,
pertama gue mau inbound (outbond di dalem ruangan gitu hehe) gue takut banget naik itu, soalnya pas masangin safety apalah itu nya gue agak gak muaat (malu malu dong) tapi dipaksain pas pertama kita mesti naik jembatan yang super licin ! kedua yaa jembatan gitu gitu lagi sama ajaa, naah yang terakhir guee naik flying fox gue ngeliat kebawah udah gregetaan meen ,,,
pas giliran gue, gue jelek banget mukanya soalnya geli tapi yaah boleeh lah HAHA
kedua gue ngeliat kya sama haani main velocity,,, ya abis itu kita maain maain deeh,,,

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

photo session

heeey , just uploaded some of my picss, you can see more at my facebook!
thaaankss for the support quinshika,molly,nala,mishka,rico,michael,hannah you guys are the best !! i just cant believee it see my chat with mishkaa!

mishkaaa; taskakuu
taskaaarwar!; mishkaku
mishkaaa; tasss, 2morro r u gonna do d phto thin'?
taskaaarwar!; well, yeaaah i doo and pleasee see my blog after i upload it
mishkaaa; of coursee darliinggg we all support you and P.S can i have your gap vest coZ its ssoo cool
taskaaarwar!;NO WAAAAAAAYYSS
mishkaaa; alrght finee -,- buut can you help moi 2 choose my dress 2go w/ rico?
taskaaarwar!; of courseee
mishkaaa; ohh-kaay be at myy housee at 5 o'clock see you then, GTG duty calls byeee muaaah

i really lovee mishkaa coZ , shee alwaays been so supportivee


heey my name is tassskaa,
i jusst lovee fashion,singing,photography,and my dream is being a model -,- wow that means its a lot of work, come on list this;
-ask my mom and dad
-stop eating too much and be slim
-be confident(im a shy type)
-have a modeling lessons
bla bla bla, i mean come on its so much worrk, and i really dont have time to do that O_o

and i reaally lovee singingg its my passion the only thing that makes me in peaacee everydaay(well, praying and singing) HAHA
well,, i hope i have a chance to be a singeer , my friends and family are all supporting mee thanks guyys youre the best


annd ive got a newwss, this week, im posting all of my fashion photos at my facebook, andd pleaaseee you should've reaallly love it cause i spent all day picking everythiing HHAA