Friday, September 11, 2009


heeeeeeeeey :) finnaally ive updated my blog :) how are youuu ? HAHA
owh yeaaah, for goot. got a new haaair and love it <33333
about a couple of weeks ago i had pesantren kilaat :)):)
or you can call it Trendi.... LOL, doesnt matter nowwww heheee...
im gonna tell you guyss..
at first i came to school, i didnt brought my bedcover and my clothees :( i waas so rushed & PAAANIIIIICC! but thanks to my lovely friend, i still got a place :)):)
and then we pray for dhuha and else. and then we had games, and of course i have to take a shower HAHAHAHAA....
and then we break fast togetheer, and then me&my friends play at the room/class..
and @ 2 am in the morning i have to wake everybody to SAHUR, and then yeah, i ate sahur and then i go to 1B to play with my frieends =D we plaay News, manohara HAHA. LOL i love my frieeends . you can see the pics @ fb thaaaanks :D and then i went home..
well thats all, oh yeah.. and break fast with my family that was fun, i played with my cousins Hheheeee
oh, yesterday i break fast at school, and i sang at schl HAHA. fun, at Halal Bi Halal on october 10th (mama's b'daaaay) i saang agaaaain with my GIRLFRIENDS HAHAHA...
well, thats all to saaay CULA8r

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