Friday, August 14, 2009

class meeting part 2 !

yeay yeaaay !
anotheer class meeting 2 daaaaaaayy : )
pas pertama aku main bolaa karna kemaren aku kalah diundi lagi..
karna tim lawan ku hand , aku mesti gol-kick atau apalah itu (kagak tau)
pertama aku raggu2.. eeeeeeeehhh pass,,
aku nendaaang eeeeeeh GOAAAAALLL!!! yeaaaaaaaayy
tp gamenaang but its okeey laah (Y)!

afteer soccer gaamee
ada gladi resik upacara bendera bwt 17 agust . karena aku paskib ya gitu laah.
pas kak nada berancang " HADAP KANAN LANGKAH TEGAK MAJU JALAN " eeeh eehh salah semua -_-
terus pak bambang kyk mau maraah -____-
tp gpp laaah sabaar wakakak

abis itu kan aku kalah tuh soccer game , lomba deh makan kerupuk
hahahaa krupuknya susah di makaaaan :(
terus guru2 lomba lompat karung
eeh kelompok pak nugroho kalaah
pak nugroho sssiihh lompat nya lama&kayak bebek lagi :D (kata temen2 loh)

abis ittu pas lagi di kelas sania NGOMPOOOLL !!
paraah yaak ? kelas 5 masih ngompol wakakaakk
abis itu kita semua pulang deh haha
( what a fun class meeting year ! )

Thursday, August 13, 2009

class meeting

hari ini gue class meeting ! seruu bangeeeet ): tapi team gue gaseru gitu deh ya gitulah keeper nya ALAY ! naah yang seru itu tuh ya yang pas gue main ke 5b , di 5b gue main main sama anak mantan 4a(21) yaitu niken,wina,tasya,sania,yafie,aan . aan seru deeh dikelitikin kayaak sakaratul maaut -,- DIJAILIN SETENGAH UMAAAATT . MICHAEL JONTOOR,INEM,ELLA,TUKIEM,SARMINI,WINCE WAKAKAKAKK kocaaak deeh hari ini udah gitub gue marah marah gitu sama yoshi dia sok bgt deeeeeh .. ew ew see you later ya byee

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Uh-oh OMGZ

It was at friday, friday the week before last week. I got home from school early, coz I got a little bit ill. When I just got home, I turn on my blackberry to get online. And then well, here's the chat my friend asya told me that I got picked for paskibra on 17 agust. I was shocked. I already planned to not come to school, and I just go to avi's b'day bash @ dufan. I was so not happy when I got that news : (


heey guyss, im so glad to see you again, after so long , i havent updated my blog
yeaaah :)
but to bad, i dont have any new photos ( dont have the time i suppose)
really sorrrry :)

so @ 1st agust, i went to lolipop w/ my friendss..
it was a nightmare i tell youu ... HAHA
well i had a good time there..